Night at the Museum - Set Up 10/27/2010

Anyone wanting to help set up for Night at the Museum can meet Karen Denton at the old tribal center on Sandy Hook Road from 11:00 onwards. Also, if anyone wants to help with cleanup after the event (7:00 PM) that would be awesome. You can contact her at this e-mail or at Thanks!

When: October 27th (5-7 PM)
Where: Old Tribal Center (gym) as well as at the Suquamish Museum (on Sandy Hook Road)
What: A night of fun with tours of the Suquamish Museum, art related activities in the gym, and dinner!
Cost: Free! (See Kari Denton, Family Involvement Specialist, with questions (

Fall Fundraiser Counting - October 13 9:15-3:40

4 volunteers needed to count fundraiser packets

9:15-3:40 (Most likely won't last all day)

1. Sofia Adams

Book Fair - October 21-29

Please volunteer to help at our Fall Scholastic Book Fair. Join to support the super student in your life, and to promote literacy!

Please volunteer to do one or more of the following:
Work the register
Pack up.

WHEN: October 21-22, 25-29
TIME: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

10/20 SET UP
9:00 a.m. to Noonish
1.Jill Seid
2. Teri McDaniel

10/21 (Thursday)
*Working Cash Register, helping younger kids with walk-through, organizing books, etc*
8:30 -12:30- Tirza

12:30 - 4:30- Shirley Knowles

10/22 (Friday)
*Working Cash Register, helping younger kids with walk-through, organizing books, etc*
8:30 - 10:00 - Melissa Nichols
10:00 -12:30 - Jill Seid
12:30 - 4:30

10/25 (Monday)
*Working Cash Register, helping younger kids with walk-through, organizing books, etc*
8:30 -10:30 -Melissa Nichols
10:30-12:30 - Katy Goldsberry

12:30 - 4:30- 
1. Jillian Bateman

10/26 (Tuesday)
*Working Cash Register, helping younger kids with walk-through, organizing books, etc*
8:30 -12:30- Tirza Palmer
12:30 - 4:30- Michelle Haley

10/27 (Wednesday)
*Working Cash Register, helping younger kids with walk-through, organizing books, etc*
8:30 -12:30- Sofia Adams

12:30 - 4:30 - Jill Seid

10/28 (Thursday) - Parent/Teacher Conferences
*Working Cash Register, helping younger kids with walk-through, organizing books, etc*
8:30 -11:00 - Tirza Palmer
11:00 - 12:30 - Jill Sied

12:30 - 4:00

10/29 (Friday) - Parent/Teacher Conferences
*Working Cash Register, helping younger kids with walk-through, organizing books, etc*
8:30 - Noon- Todd & Allyson Metters

CLEAN UP Noon - 2:00 --
1. Jill Seid
2.Todd Metters
3.Allyson Metters